A Night at the Roxy

Who’s at the bar
Sasha Pocekovic, head bartender for 17 years. “There are bar porters who have been working here for 10 years, still waiting to make bartender. They can’t wait for me to die so they can move up.”

Who’s in the room NHL players, 19-year-olds “finding their way,” West Van housewives, couples celebrating wedding anniversaries, and about a billion stagette parties.

Most requested song “Sweet Home Alabama.” Every night for 20 years.

Weirdest thing ever found after close Prosthetic leg

Who’s at the door Ryon Kroes. He put in his time as inside doorman for three years before making outside doorman four years ago.

Number of people in line 400

Capacity of club 300

Average wait time 2 hours

Number of fights Zero. “Fights are a rarity. We see things before they happen. You can tell by someone’s body language and the way they’re behaving with friends. Around Christmas there will be a few scuffles. People are stressed out. People who can’t handle alcohol are drinking more.”

Diameter of Kroes’s biceps 17.5 inches

Number of people in his mental rolodex “I’d say about 6,000. 25 percent I know by name. 75 percent by face.”

Items confiscated at the door Alcohol, knives, pepper spray

Items found in purses Bras, panties, dildos, condoms

Bribes offered at the door “Cash, hockey tickets, ladies’ sexual favours.”