Party Pics from Raven’s Feast, the CampOUT! Fundraiser and Face the World

This month in charity galas: Bill Reid Gallery and CampOUT! celebrated 15 years, while Face the World raised a record $1.7 million.

Bill Reid Gallery’s Raven’s Feast (June 6, 2024)

Opened in 2008, the Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art in Vancouver marked its 15th anniversary at its annual Raven’s Feast Gala Dinner and Auction. The only public gallery dedicated to contemporary Indigenous Northwest Coast art, the downtown cultural gem welcomed 110 guests to a celebratory gala to raise a glass to the B.C. artist and to support future programming ensuring emerging and established Indigenous artists have the opportunity to exhibit and share their stories.

Urban Haida singers Robb Dawson and Shawn Edenshaw provided the indigenous welcome at the annual Raven’s Feast gala dinner and art auction. A reported $70,000 was raised from the evening of celebration and philanthropy.

Bon Vivant Catering’s Dino Renaerts and Nessa Van Bergen curated the Northwest Coast themed dinner for artists, donors and community supporters who made the Bill Reid Gallery a reality.

Yours truly along with Global BC’s Sophie Lui emceed.

Bill Reid Gallery staffers Dass Sterritt and Allison Andrachuk shared that funds raised will support future exhibitions and ensure Indigenous artists continue to have a space to share their work and stories.

Helping mark the gallery’s 15th anniversary were founding members Jane and George Hungerford. This past year, the gallery welcomed more than 30,000 visitors.

Haida artist James Hart and Audain Art Museum director and chief curator Curtis Collins were among the luminaries in attendance.

Emily Carr President Trish Kelly and Kyla Mallett, Dean, Audain Faculty of Arts, lent their support to the gallery’s efforts and flagship fundraiser.

An Evening in Support of CampOUT! (June 4, 2024)

June was also Pride month, a time to honour the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay liberation movement in the United States. As part of Pride month festivities in the city, UBC’s CampOUT! held it’s marquee fundraiser, An Evening in Support of CampOUT!, presented by Vancity. An impressive $92,000 was raised in support of the outdoor leadership program for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in BC.

The Lazy Gourmet’s Kevin Mazzone and Vancity’s Ryan McKinley were among the major sponsors of the event. Over $92,000 was raised from the house party.

Stephen Roberts opened his Shaughnessy home to Pam Vidalin and some 90 guests who gathered in support of the 2SLGBTQIA+ youth leadership program.

Drew Dennis, Javiar Barajas and Kasey Reese joins community leaders and supporters to commemorate the program’s 15th year.

CampOUT! co-directors Makayla Freeman and Meika Johnston will lead this year’s summer camp, which will welcome its 1,000th camper in 2024.

Scotiabank’s Rex Anderson and Hang Zhou were among the major supporters of the UBC Faculty of Education program.

Past CampOUT! host Richard Coglon and his partner Meg Brown helped ensure 65 queer, trans and two-spirited youth around B.C. will get to go to camp this July free of charge. More than 190 applications were received.

Face the World Gala (June 15, 2024)

Jacqui Cohen welcomed 250 friends into her Point Grey Road family home for her 33rd Face the World Gala. At $2,500 a head, the party attracted the city’s most prominent business, community and philanthropic leaders who dined on a make-shift floor above Cohen’s tented swimming pool. Attendees enjoyed a Veuve Clicquot reception, Gotham Steakhouse meal and danced the night away, but not before bringing comfort to the less fortunate in our community. Significant sums were exchanged when yours truly and Howard Blank took to the auctioneer podium. The glitzy affair would ultimately raise $1.7 million—a new fundraising standard.

Jacqui Cohen’s reaction after hearing $1.7 million was raised from her at-home fundraiser. Since 19991, Cohen has disbursed $21 million to more than 400 local charities.

Long-time supporters Devina and Paul Zalesky were among Cohen’s well-heeled friends who paid $2,500 a head to support Face the World’s efforts to transform the lives of individuals in need.

First Majestic Silver Corp’s Jill Arias and Keith Neumeyer snapped up an original Cori Creed painting and tickets to Sir Elton John and David Furnish’s Oscar Party – two of the many lavish packages up for auction.

Bosa Properties’ Colin and Liz Bosa. Bosa has partnered with Cohen to shape the next chapter of Army and Navy. Their development project, Cohen Block, aims to bring renewal to the Downtown Eastside through commerce and secured rental housing.

Face the World executive director Jill Killeen greeted another Downtown Eastside advocate, Vancouver Chinatown Foundation founder Carol Lee.

Cohen’s 33rd Face the World party reeled in many notables including former BC premier Gordon Campbell and philanthropist and Point Grey neighbour David Richardson.