About Town with Fred Lee: Party Pics From Summer’s Biggest Charity Soirees

Record picnic nets $356,000 for Peace Arch Hospital.

 Early Music Vancouver’s Rondeau in the Garden (July 25)

For nearly 55 years, Early Music Vancouver has been presenting beautiful music for audiences of all ages, engaging, enriching and educating them on the power and beauty of classical music. The arts organization hosted its marquee fundraiser Rondeau in the Garden at Van Dusen.

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Chair Julian Scott and EMV artistic and executive director Suzie LeBlanc welcomed guests to their annual gala: a garden party and concert at Van Dusen.

man and woman smiling

Super fan Elaine Godwin mugged with one of the world’s most celebrated mandolin players, EMV artist-in-residence Alon Sariel who performed at the benefit.

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A lunch hosted by arts philanthropist Bruce Munro Wright and catered by Bon Vivant chef Dino Renaerts would sell twice in a spirited live auction that contributed to a record-setting $185,000 night for the arts organization.

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EMV staffers Adele Marsland and Julia Halbert flanked Mariat Jibril, TD’s Regional Manager 2SLGBTQ+ Business Development, one of 200 attendees who took in the sold-out affair.

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A master of the international stage, celebrated pianist and Vancouverite Robert Silverman was among the luminaries in attendance accompanied by his wife Ellen.

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All smiles following a beautiful night of music and philanthropy were Sharon Kahn and Fran Watters, past presidents of Early Music Vancouver.

Landmark Premier Properties Picnic on the Pier (August 8)

Launched in 2016 by Landmark Premier Properties, White Rock’s Picnic on the Pier has been a summer fixture on the charity circuit. Building support for its three residential towers in the centre of town, the developer annually picks up the tab for the al fresco long-table dinner. All funds raised would benefit Peace Arch Hospital.

two people smiling in front of a long table

Landmark Properties President Ray Chen and White Rock Mayor Megan Knight fronted the eighth annual Picnic on the Pier long-table dinner benefitting the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation.

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Event organizer Norman Stowe welcomed former CBC broadcaster Cecilia Walters, one of 450 guests that took in the alfresco Mediterranean style-meal courtesy of the Joseph Richard Group’s Blank Canvas catering.

two men in polos smiling in front of a long table on the pier

Firefighters Dylan Van Rooyen and Evan Bird of the Surrey White Rock Firefighters Charitable Foundation matched every dollar raised to purchase much needed medical equipment for Peace Arch Hospital.

two people smiling in front of the ocean

With the Firefighter Foundation’s match, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation chief executive officer Stephanie Beck and board chair Nick Yarmoshuk reported a record $356,000 raised to improve health care in White Rock.

a man and a steel drum

Local musician and recording artist John Gilliat provided the summer beats at the popular summertime soiree.

Horsepower by Hope Couture (August 28)

The power of friendship and community, six friends once again came together to put on their third Hope Couture fashion fete in support of inner-city youth. Community leaders and besties Susan Chow, Shelley Ferris, Andrea Molnar, Margie Murphy, Gurmeet Sengara and Jane Young welcomed a largely female audience to Horsepower, the Western-themed outdoor runway romp at Southlands Riding Club.

three people dressed in western gear

Jane Young with Ken and Susan Chow welcomed 250 guests to their annual Hope Couture event, this year staged at the Southlands Riding Club.

fred lee smiling with two women

Flanked by CLICK board member Janey Lee and founder Catherine Atyeo, yours truly emceed the end of summer fashion fete that wrangled $100,000 for kids.

two people in cowboy hats smiling

Leslie and Lily Lee were among the many CLICK supporters that took in the Western-themed runway romp. Since its inception in 2004, CLICK has directed more than $1.5 million to 600 programs benefitting youth and children so they can succeed.

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CLICK board member Mike Evans thanked Carol Zhao, the evening’s special guest and keynote speaker, for sharing her personal journey with attendees.

a fashion model in the middle of a corrall

The benefit sent out models in fall ensembles from local retailers BACCI and Boboli Vancouver.