Restaurant of the Year 2012

Finally,” said one judge. “If there was any question whether David Hawksworth would have trouble making a comeback after a three-year hiatus, he put it to rest when he opened the doors of Hawksworth last spring.” The former wizard of West roared back to top form in “a triptych of rooms so pretty they’re heartbreaking. And the food’s every bit as good as you’d expect.” Another judge assessed the room this way: “It reflects Vancouver as we want to be seen: sophisticated but youthful, globally influenced yet firmly rooted, modern but not extreme.” Added another: “All the elements of ambitious fine dining have been seamlessly pulled together here.” The judges lauded the wine program, loved the high-energy, Manhattan-like feel of the connected spaces, and praised Hawksworth’s expert sourcing and disciplined cooking. “The lights can feel overly bright,” wrote one, “and there’s a fine line between buzzy and noisy, but all that’s forgotten when the food arrives.” Indeed, so enthusiastic (and nearly unanimous) were the judges that they honoured Hawksworth with multiple golds: besides Restaurant of the Year, they voted it Best New Restaurant, Best Upscale Restaurant, and cited it for Best Design. Wine director Terry Threlfall was named Sommelier of the Year, and-to top if off-Hawksworth himself was voted Chef of the Year. “Welcome back, fine dining!” one judge enthused. “Elegant, sleek, and hip, with a kitchen that shows one of the country’s top chefs at the height of his game.”

801 W. Georgia St.